Here is Act One: we open on a podunk North Carolina town nestled into the Blue Ridge, pockmarked with abandoned mills and mines, the skeletal remains of a failed industry. Economical prospect fled Dane’s Chapel in the mid-90s, leaving only coal-dust and destitution in its wake. Meth-heads and manhunts. Hills and creeks and hidden places are the playground on which Veronica Lewis grows up and grows gangly and grows haunted and weird...
Do you hear that?
Hear what?
There's something in the forest...

Harley, New Mexico
Act Two is Avril Lavigne pumping from car speakers, windows rolled down, a golden sunrise peeking out above the hills. Act Two is speed limits and wild chases through city streets and city tunnels. It’s a nightmare cross-country road-trip with undertones of Coming of Age and Trespassing and Destruction of Property as innocent sabotage and harmless lies spiral into massacres and paranormal activity. The fluorescent lights of a bus station bathroom and blood washing down the drain. A hot-wired car takes us around the corner and there’s no coming back from it...
Do you hear that?
Hear what?
I'm not scared of them. They're scared of me.
Maybe they don't know me well enough yet. Give them some time to get scared.

we hope you enjoy your stay!
Welcome to Act Three, populated by conspiracy theorists and secret agents and extraterrestrials. Welcome to blistering hot deserts and swirls of dust revealing our hero, our supervillain, our Man in Black. Welcome to upheaval and bloodshed and distortions in the fabric of reality. The puzzle pieces are clicking into place. The final image is unsettling.
There's something in the forest...
What happens, in the end?
There will be signs.
And then...what? Nothing?
I think...there would be a spell of silence.
Before what?
Before it falls apart.